James Breiner: the business of news — Issue #98
Latin American media seek to influence public debate and engage audience in U.S. by translating their journalism to English — LatAm Journalism Review by the Knight Center — latamjournalismreview.org
Latin American media seek to influence public debate and engage audience in U.S. by translating their journalism to English Innovation. Latin American Journalism Review by The Knight Center at The University of Texas at Austin.
China restricts kids’ online gaming to three hours a week — TechCrunch — techcrunch.com
China’s National Press and Publication Administration has released a notice imposing limits on online gaming for minors. On September 1st, video game companies will have to restrict gaming time to three hours a week — from 8 PM to 9 PM on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. With this new set of restrictions, Chinese authorities want […]
Four Quick Ways to Verify Images on a Smartphone — gijn.org
GIJN has updated our popular step-by-step guide on verifying images to help find out whether the photo you saw on social media is real.
How Could Burning Man Get Weirder? When It’s in Your Living Room. — WSJ — www.wsj.com
The annual desert ritual goes virtual. Participants wear headsets, create avatars and dance and mingle from home; “I know I look ridiculous.”